Internationale Poetry-Biennale  -  Filmfestival  -  Salon  -  Netzwerk

Mileti Kiros
(Addis Abeba - Äthiopien/Ethiopia)
Sonntag, 25. Oktober, 17.30 Uhr

video production Tobiya Poetic Jazz -
Addis Abeba


Tobiya Poetic Jazz - Festival Focus Ethiopia

Mileti Kiros, *in Addis Ababa. Since her graduation of law in 2000, she was very active in most Ethiopian art and media activities as poet and writer.

Mileti‘s career, like that of almost all major poets emerged in the late 1999s, when poets could work on different stages in Addis Ababa. Starting in 2002 she appeared as a central character on the stage of Poetic Jazz that has been taking place throughout Ethiopia. Her first successful poem Ere Amsale was produced and released in 2010. She is known for her own writing style making her a popular artists and one of the renowned female poets contributing major inspiration for the development of the literature in Ethiopia.

ere āmisale

sewi bezemeni jireti zemeni besewi jeriba inidegesegese
yewilishi inigidīhi kifu k’eni derese
yiẖewi inidīhi hone
ānichī sitihējī t͟s’ehayi t’iwati k’erechi
ch’erek’a ākorefechi
semayi ālek’ese merēti tek’orese
ch’ewata ferese
ānichī sitihējī ākukulu āyinegami
besenyo makisenyo wibi bēti āyigezami
belēbana polīsi babaroshi ch’ewatami
iniderot’e k’eritwali manimi sewi ālimet’ami
hit͟s’anatu kebo āhunimi k’uch’i bilwali

Oh oh

Als der Mensch in der Zeit des Stromes der Zeit hin und her ging
Deine schlechten Tage sind angekommen
Das ist, was passiert ist
Als Sie gingen, ging die Sonne am Morgen unter
Der Mond schien
Der Himmel ist blau und der Boden ist gebrochen
Spiel brach zusammen
Wenn Sie gehen, wird der Akukulu nicht dämmern
Er kauft an einem Dienstag kein schönes Haus
Auch ein Spiel von Dieben und Polizisten
Niemand kam
Die Kinder sitzen immer noch herum

ኧረ አምሳለ

ሰው በዘመን ጅረት ዘመን በሰው ጀርባ እንደገሰገሰ
የውልሽ እንግዲህ ክፉ ቀን ደረሰ
ይኸው እንዲህ ሆነ
አንቺ ስትሄጂ ፀሃይ ጥዋት ቀረች
ጨረቃ አኮረፈች
ሰማይ አለቀሰ መሬት ተቆረሰ
ጨዋታ ፈረሰ
አንቺ ስትሄጂ አኩኩሉ አይነጋም
በሰኞ ማክሰኞ ውብ ቤት አይገዛም
በሌባና ፖሊስ ባባሮሽ ጨዋታም
እንደሮጠ ቀርቷል ማንም ሰው አልመጣም
ህፃናቱ ከቦ አሁንም ቁጭ ብሏል