International Poetry-Biennial  -  Filmfestival  -  Salon  -  Network

___Festival 2016________________________________

Festival 2016 - Focus

Greece IndiaIndonesiaLatviaPoets Translating PoetsGAV ⇒ meine drei lyrischen ichs spezial ⇒ New Books

Indonesia: Dorothea Rosa Herliany, Nenden Lilis Aisyah, Hanna Fransisca

Visiting from Indonesia will be Dorothea Rosa Herliany, Lilis Aisyah, Hanna Fransisca. From a female point of view the three poets tell about a violence with verbal and performative weight, adressing the conflicts in a society of diverse religions and geography. Indonesian writers are able to form reality through language says Dorothea Rosa Herliany. Official Indonesian language "Bahasia Indonesia" has only been adopted in 1945 as the Lingua franca. This open the possibility for poets to actually keep reinventing the languge and the world along with it, the reality of the third largest democracy with about 17.000 islands, 250 millionen people, 5 official religions and about 700 different languages.

Poet and Herliany-translator Brigitte Oleschinski will present the event, curated by writer and cultural mediator Sarah Ines Struck,who has invited Dorothea Rosa Herliany earlier in 2015:

I was impressed by the fact that Indonesia is less of a reading nation, but that the performance of poetry and poets are very present in the local pop culture and therefore likewise in the society.

Made possible by the generous support from the Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Berlin.

Focus Indonesia: Sunday, 30.10., 19 Uhr, presentation: Brigitte Oleschinski


⇒ Brigitte Oleschinski's festival performance

Nenden Lilis Aisyah

Dorothea Rosa Herliany

Hanna Fransisca