Internationale Poetry-Biennale - Filmfestival - Salon - Netzwerk
___Festival spezial 2019_Bamberg_______________________________
- Lubi Barre
- Nancy Campbell
- Lara Ermer
- Fee (Felicia Brembeck)
- Svenja Gräfen
- Volha Hapeyeva &
Vlad Buben - Barbara Hundegger
- Mirlea Ivanova
- Irina Liebmann
- Marion Poschmann
- Oxana Sabuschko
- The Come and Go-Gos
- Anja Utler
- Antje Vowinckel
- Kunst oder Unfall &
Helga Pogatschar
mit Augusta Laar
Kalle Aldis Laar
Miku Nishimoto-Neubert
- Women Beat Poets
Samstag, 26. Oktober
19 Uhr - Studiobühne
Foto Michael Aust
aufgewachsen in Schottland und Northumberland, lebt in Oxford/UK.
Sie lernte Buchdruck und Schriftsatztraditionelle Buchhandwerkskunst bei Barbarian Press in Canada und Woodside Press in New York und arbeitete anschließend bei zahlreichen BKunstbuchdruckereien in den Staaten und Großbritannien. Eine Reihe von Aufenthalten bei arktischen Forschungseinrichtungen zwischen 2010 und 2017 führten zu vielen Projekten, die sich mit der Umwelt beschäftigen.
Seit Januar 2018 arbeitet sie als Canal Laureate in Großbritannien mit dem Canal & River Trust und der Poetry Society. Campbell verfasst auch Künstlerbücher, und ihre Schriften über die bildenden Künste erscheinen regelmäßig u.a. im Times Literary Supplement.
Gedichtsammlungen: Disko Bay, 2016; The Library of Ice, 2018. Seit März 2019.
Seven Words for Winter
ukiigatta last winter.
ukioq the winter; the whole year.
ukiukkut in winter; during the year.
ukiuuppaa the winter came upon her before she reached home,
or finished building her house.
ukiorippoq she has a good winter; it is a good winter.
ukiorpoq the winter has come.
ukiortaaq the new year
Aasaq / Summer Song
We’ll feast on roseroot and bitter dandelion,
stems of fresh green angelica,
fine fresh angelica found in the shade,
dried capelin, dried cod and grey mattak:
a feast of fish and fruit to make us fat.
Those smoky silver fish will make us fat.
The Vostok Ice Core gives a creative writing lesson
1. Be complete. Tell the whole story: every day in every season, summer and winter, from the present until the beginning of time.
2. Be discrete. Record events in one location only; preserve the unities of space, if not of time.
3. Be precise. Do not get distracted by your own fears, the imminence of extinction. Never decide your results in advance.
4. Be concise. Do not use too many words. Do use a language that everyone can understand.
5. Air is invisible, but it holds just as much information as ice.
6. By the time they reach your readers, the events you describe will seem infinitesimal. That faint grey line left by a volcanic eruption that grounded all the world’s planes? It’s nothing to them.
7. Remember that ice is the frozen state of water. Your document may take on other forms.
8. If you want to find ice, go to the cold places, but keep your own temperature constant.
9. The work will not be quick. Anticipate seven seasons.
10. Keep going deeper. The story is already there: extraction is the reader’s art. Reading in the cold, drilling through the dark.